(as of Jul 14,2023 03:10:24 UTC – Details)
You may refer product and instructions/manual images for more details. This product will be shipped along manual has details of how to perform various activities using this kit, theoretical concepts covered by them. As said by Benjamin Franklin “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn’. This product provide Joyful and Meaningful Learning Experience. Such activities instill wonder and fascination towards science among young students. It help in igniting interest in subject and inculcate a scientific attitude.
Two options of usage. Option 1): Generate electricity by manually rotating pulley which in turn rotates fan mounted on a tower, like wind mill
We can’t easily spin fan blowing wind everywhere every time. So kit has this option of fan rotation by using hand operated pulley
Usage option 2): Remove rubber band from pulley. Blow against windmill fan blades. Blow rotates fan and glows LED
It will help kids to learn basics of electricity generation using wind mill